Tse Kong who manifested on January 19th, 1977. Year of the snake
Tse Kong: The world of humans has many
people deprived of moral conscience and passionate for dishonest money
who fabricate false medication, totally disregarding morality and
man’s life. Parallel to the charlatans who kill the patients out of
ignorance, and primarily, out of thirst for gains, the pharmaceutic forgers are champions of criminals. Human laws, rigorous as they are,
make but scarecrows to them. They set their life and liberty at stake
and defy the authorities’ punishments. After they die, all kinds of
punishment is waiting for them in hell. I am going to inform the
unbelievers by taking Yang Ts’ien to this prison where tangible proof
can be found. Yang Ts’ien, A new trip to hell. Yang
What is tonight’s destination, Master? TK:
We’ll go to a prison under the administration of the 4th
Palace. Get ready. YT:
I am, Sir. Shall we go? TK:
Here we arrive. Disembark. YT:
From the entrance of the prison are already heard the noise of
men belching, accompanied by pathetic moans and cries. The door of the
prison bears an inscription: “Forcible drug-drinking”. Two
buffalo-headed and horse-faced guards are pushing the prisoners into the
jail by force. There is the mandarin-governor together with his officers
coming to meet us. I’m going to present them my reverences. The
Mandarin-Governor: Delighted to welcome you, Buddha
Tse Kong and Mr. Yang Ts’ien. A few moments ago, I received the King
of Palace’s instructions about your visit which consists in collecting
information for your book “Voyages to Hell” that reveals to humans
the real existence in hell. Would you mind following me? YT:
I appreciate greatly your hearty welcome, Excellency. On both
sides of the door, I see piles of pharmaceutical items of all types.
Coming nearer, I find trade-marks in various languages: Chinese,
English, Japanese etc... They are pretty well presented. I wonder if
this is hell’s warehouse for the storage of pharmacy products? If it
is not, what else could it be? Even the biggest pharmacy on earth
wouldn’t display such a quantity of drugs. The
This prison has nothing to do with the commerce of pharmaceutical
products. What you see here commerce of pharmaceutical products. What
you see here is nothing but sham drugs fabricated by men. As soon as a
certain item appears on the world’s market, the same item is found in
hell. As you can see, quantities of pharmaceutical specialties are
exhibited here as evidence of men’s culpability. They are identical
with original items. May this detail be known to humans. They should not
fabricate fake articles in the privacy of their lodgings, believing
their counterfeit may go unnoticed. Let them be aware of the fact that
even in remotest, most secret spots, the deities are exercising their
implacable surveillance. Otherwise, we can’t track the culpable and
catch them red-handed. The canonical teachings state it thus:
“Happiness and misfortune are door less. Man attracts them by himself.
Good and evil pursue him shadow-like? It is the law of cause and effect
which manifests itself in the case of fraud. TK:
Most humans simply don’t believe in the law of causality. They
should be warned of this: every meritorious causality. They should be
warned of this: every meritorious act calls forth a benevolent effect
for the doer; every perverse deed attracts misfortune. It’s like an
object reflecting its shadow when it is under a source of lights. While
in a hermetically closed room, one doesn’t see one’s shadow. One
thinks everything can be done without the knowledge of the deities. But
it is in the very obscurity the deities select their favorite dwellings.
The defrauder jumps of his own volition into the net. Of what can they
complain? The
Please come this way to see things more closely. YT:
In the railed cells of the prison, I see many prisoners crying
bitterly and wailing at the top of their voices. Infernal guards are
pouring into their mouths pailfuls of a blackish liquid, which they seek
in vain to dodge. TK:
I’m going to show you the different stages a sinful soul has to
pass through in this prison. The
Mandarin: Now,
I’ll take Mr. Yang Ts’ien inside for a better view of things. YT:
How surprising! The man I saw the other day has lost his rosy
complexion. Only three days have passed, and he looks wan and
disfigured. His face, nose and cheeks are smeared with dirty liquid.
What could that liquid be? The
Mandarin: In
his lifetime, this man specialized in producing imitation medicines
which did much harm to other people. After his death, we treat him by
giving him this black and bitter liquid, blended with injurious
ingredients, disgusting to the taste, which twists the guts, causes
colic and vain attempts to disgorge. The punishment is equal to his
skill in fabricating false medicine. YT:
The man in his European garb, is soaked with the dark liquid. His
filthiness is repulsive, his eyes are morbid and haggard. The
soul: Grace!
grace! O, Venerable Monk! O! Man of the terrestrial world! Save me, I
beg you, I can’t stand it any longer. I prostrate before you,
promising to incarnate in a buffalo or a dog to serve you by way of
payment for my debt. At this hour, I have lots of riches on earth.
Should you like it, my children will repay you generously. The
Shut up! He is the living Buddha Tse Kong. He isn’t a monk on
earth. What do you want him to do with your money? I grant a momentary
break-time for you to confess your crime to this man-of-the-earth. He is
a disciple of Saint Kouan-Cheng, named Yang Ts’ien, an adept of the
Temple of the Sages in Taiwan here to get information for writing a
book. Be sincere in your confessions, you can possibly obtain some leniency. The
soul: Please accept my expression of profound gratitude, Excellency. I
am really ashamed to make my confession, but I hope it will help people
consider my fate and try to improve. In my lifetime, I was a druggist,
specializing in the sale of Chinese and foreign medications. After
sometime, I became a connoisseur in pharmacy. The idea of getting rich
came to me, and to do so, I had to resort to foul means. I bought a
device that helped produce pills and tablets. As for the ingredients, I
made use of a mixture of four and colored powder. I fabricated the most
demanded and rarest medicines. I had small bags, sachets, and labels
printed which were exact copies of the authentic items. I produced
enormous quantities of this spurious merchandise and distributed
them to other drug stores. My earnings were incalculable. In the
beginning of this year, I suffered from a deadly disease and died at the
age of 52. I was escorted by buffalo-headed and horse-faced demons to
the Mirror Revelator of Past Crimes which reproduced, as in a motion
picture, all of the time I had busied myself with fabricating and
trafficking bogus medicines. I was terrified at the efficiency of such a
miraculously ingenious mechanism. The proof was incontestable, I had to
confess my crimes. The King of the 4th Palace condemned me to 30 years
of detention in this prison of forcible drug-drinking. I was at first
awe struck at the sight of the heap of drugs at the door of the prison.
It was all of my own making. The power of hell is really formidable. How
could I deny before such irrefutable evidence? Three days later, I was
forced by the guards to drink this black liquid. It is impossible for me
to consume it. If I try to refuse, they flog me with canes and whips. I
have to drink it, which causes me unending colic. I feel like vomiting
but I just can’t do so. I am much repentant of my past crimes, but I
know it is of no use. I make an appeal to the drug sellers on earth not
to do as I did. Those who have already committed this sin must try to
change. Otherwise, they can’t complain about punishment of this sort. The
Scoundrel! You have committed other crimes but you are reluctant
to confess them. Try to hide them, and your punishment will be all the
more severe! The
Here, here they are! I am about to tell them. In my business, I
sought to earn as much money as possible by selling drugs and narcotics
to young boys and girls, destroying their youth and upsetting their
lives. I deserve capital punishment, really. One
time, a friend of mine offered to lend me a book of ethics,
titled: “Religion of immortals, Buddha, saints and sages.” He had
the good intention of having me read it, meditate on its contents and do
good. I thumbed through a few pages, found the book treating of
immortals, Buddhas, geniuses and saints who preached morality through mediumistic
séances and composed poems for the salvation of humans. I
tossed it aside, thinking it absurd to believe in deities in this era of
sciences and inventions. All of the tales in it would be good for
superstitious folks who worshipped the deities and listened to their
preaching. How greatly surprised I was, upon my death, to find myself
accused of blasphemy against the book of ethics and of tossing it. This
gesture added five years to my sentence. So, that’s you, Mr. Yang
Ts’ien, of the Temple of the Sages. I didn’t recognize you, and
it’s stupid of me. I implore you, Buddha Tse Kong, to mediate with the
Mandarin-Governor so I can be discharged sooner. YT:
Please, Master. This soul has known to preserve an atom of
morality. He is still able to understand the words: Temple of the Sages.
In my opinion, he deserves a little amnesty. Could that be possible? TK:
(to the prisoner) During your lifetime, you didn’t believe
in God. You swore by nothing but modern sciences. Now, after death, you
are remorseful. You are in the hands of the deities, and it is too late
for repentance. However, your frank confessions could possibly afford
you some grace, since your confessions provide information for the book
“Voyages to Hell”, that will educate humans, once its publication is
done. I take into consideration this merit of yours and will help you
soothe your pain. The
Every crime results in a chastisement. Severe punishment is
reserved for law-transgressors. All supplications are in vain! Although
fabrication of false medicines doesn’t cause direct harm to a man’s
life, it entails distressing consequences to his viscera. That’s
murder, indirectly but delayed murder all the same. Now, you understand
why the King of Hell had inflicted that weighty sentence. TK:
Time is up. Think of your return trip. We’ll come back if
chance wants us to. YT:
I am deeply grateful, Excellency and Generals for your precious
information. TK:
The dais is this way. Go ahead. YT:
I am seated. Shall we depart, Master? |