Tse Kong who manifested on February 16th, 1978. Year of the Horse (1978)
Buddha Tse Kong: The resplendent moonlight is bright and glittering to the eyes. This is a characteristic of light. The spirit of the regenerated man is as bright and luminous as the moon because his heart is not soiled by desires. The moon halo is calm and quiet but it doesn’t give the dreary impression of death. The spiritual adept should look within or on the surface of a quiet and clear lake to see his own reflection and discover his true-self. Even which, living among worldly activities, the spiritual man remains free and detached from common desires because he can preserve his true-self. He persists on the fixation of mind whether on the bed of jade or a place of dust. His vital breath energy can transcend everything else. On the other hand, the profane people may lie at rest on couches of precious wood or marble, or on downy beds, but dust still surrounds them. Though they possess a host of handy devices (vacuum cleaners, detergents, soap powder, towels etc...), they still find themselves covered with layers of dust that is so dense in this world of sorrows. Long ago, on the sacred Mount Ling Chan, Buddha Sakya Muni brandished a flower while he taught the sublime esoteric doctrine. Only the disciple Kasyapa understood the meaning of Buddha’s gesture and he smiled. The flower was not an ordinary flower, it was a miraculous flower of Kasyapa’s heart that blossomed when he looked at his Master. Nowadays, I Tse Kong, brandish my mediumnisitc pen. Some people would think that I am pretending and wouldn’t believe me. An intelligent, comprehending man can understand that the writings of my brush-pen are those of my heart. Within the static, there exists the dynamic, and amid sand, there are grains of gold. The knowing man smiles because he obtains a treasure in the twinkling of an eye.
For instance, Bodhidharma who had sailed across the oceans to China,
taught his disciples that, “three times three is nine” (1). It means
when the Yang attains its absolute, it will then return to its initial
cosmic state, or the original source of the soul. He also taught that
all religions must come from the same source. The self-serving people of
that time didn’t understand. They said that Bodhidharma sought to
search in their pockets for money. Ha! Ha! He took no one’s money,
because he considered banknotes as scraps of paper. Also, could they
keep that money with them for a long time? Or would it be dispersed
completely by their descendants? In fact, the Spiritual Initiator wanted
to teach us that we must free ourselves from the profane heart, and
replace with a Buddha’s heart, or we must eliminate the “inferior
heart” for “a superior heart”. Yang
Ts’ien: Venerable
Master, your teachings are long and hard. I’m afraid that human beings
can’t understand. TK:
Even the garbage has its value. You have certainly seen the
rubbish that is loaded on a trash-cart. Well, some people might find
gold in it. Some toss, the others pick, and nothing is lost. It is
necessary for us to open our 3rd eye of clairvoyance before we can
discern the real value of things. For instance, in the country of gold,
a citizen regards gold as sand or pebbles. He doesn’t appreciate gold
as a precious metal. It therefore results that anything too abundant and
common is neglected and under-valued by the people. Now, let’s prepare
for a trip to hell. YT:
Where shall we go, Master? TK:
To the 8th Palace. Come quickly on the dais. YT:
Yes, Sir. I am in place. TK:
We arrive now. Let’s down.Before us, is the 8th Palace. The
guard is announcing our arrival. YT:
The King of Palace and his mandarins are there to welcome us.
High above the palace is a board written “King of Equality” of the
8th Palace. The King, in his solemn mantle, is descending the stairway.
I humbly present my respects to His Majesty the King. My name is Yang
Ts’ien. I am from the Temple of the Sages in Tai Chu. Tonight, we come
to visit your palace, and wish to receive favorable assistance from His
Majesty. The
King: Dispense
with formalities. Please, take it easy. You have been pained greatly
with your work, as a scribe, and now you are here to visit my palace.
Please, follow me. YT:
Thank you, Sir. Outside the palace, the souls are grouped in
large number, each one waiting for his turn. They express astonishment
at our arrival. Some of them are beaten by the guards and they scream
frightfully. The
King: Please take a
seat. Venerable Buddha and Mr. Yang Ts’ien, I am really delighted to
have a talk with you. General, bring us some tea. The
General: At your
request, Sir. Venerable Buddha and Mr. Yang Ts’ien, please help you
for tea. The
King: We have
been waiting for your visit. Only now the honor is mine. TK:
Our time for each trip is quite limited. The fact of writing a
book requires a great deal of time. Thanks to the disciples of the
Temple of the Sages who devoted themselves day and night to help in
writing the book. It will be completed in spite of many difficulties.
Our work is slow, but steady. A great piece of work can’t be done in
haste. YT:
Both of us are deeply touched by your kindness. All we can do is
to show our strong will in overcoming the obstacles. The
King: Accomplishing
a divine mission isn’t an easy task. Every minute and second, you must
exert patience and efforts without failure. If you deviate from your
task a single second, you may never redeem your mistakes. While man’s
heart is still troubled, he cannot approach the Tao. Conversely, if he
continue to strengthen his will, regeneration will be possible. Thanks
to the cultivation of body and mind, people commit fewer errors. As a
conclusion, by keeping a regenerated heart we can attain the Tao even in
the terrestrial world. Whether success can be obtained or not depends
entirely upon us. YT:
I am happy to receive your golden teachings, Sir. I would like to
know the situation of the 8th Palace. The
King: Perfect.
Here it is. The 8th Palace is in charge of re-educating the souls who
committed too many sins, and not being punished adequately by the other
palaces. These souls are
handed over to the 8th Palace for complementary punishments. Our palace
is provided with a prison called Big Prison with Blazing Heat plus 16
additional smaller prisons for the sinners committing various crimes. I
make an appeal to human beings, urging them to walk on the right path,
to learn morality, and regenerate themselves for aquiring knowledge of
the absolute truth - To know about their soul origin and destination in
order to avoid hell and painful reincarnations. YT:
Please explain to me why the sinful souls neglect to give me
their names and addresses, but only the reports of their sins. If these
details can also be published on the book “Voyages to Hell”, the
moral teaching to human beings will be much more effective. Humans
believe only on the things with accurate proof. If lack of proofs and
research, they may become suspicious. May you kindly explain to me the
reason so I can report to my fellow-friends? The
King: The
knowledge of the human beings in hell is still very limited. Therefore,
God’s edict has clearly specified to reveal only the sinful actions of
souls without their names and addresses. Though we are well aware of the
fact that their names and addresses would bear a more effective impact
upon moral teaching, we dare not do so. The reason is that the
descendants of the souls, on earth, would be ashamed and humiliated. If
the names of their dead parents appear in the book, they will be
mentally and spiritually troubled. Our intention to encourage good
actions will have a counter-effect, and our good will to teach morality
to men will be defeated. We are therefore compelled to keep secret the
identities of sinful souls. TK:
A nobleman is forever noble, and a vile man remains as ever
vulgar. If one has to deal with a sinner, one must first arrest him.
Then his identity will be asked later. The fact of believing or not
believing in the existence of paradise and hell is without importance,
because if the people act dishonestly or inhumanly, they will fall into
the grip of the King of Hell. At that time, it will be too late to
believe. Well, it’s time to leave now. We shall come back later. Be
ready, Yang Ts’ien. YT:
May we take leave and many thanks to you, Sir. The
King: Order
to the Mandarins and Generals to render honors to our guests. YT:
I am ready, Master. TK:
Here we are. Disembark and hurry back to your body. |