Tse Kong who manifested on June 3rd, 1978. Year of the Horse
Tse Kong: If humans fail to regenerate and allow themselves to commit
cruel acts, they will be reincarnated into the forms of animals or fowls
and will suffer for thousands and thousands of existences. Let them
organize themselves decently, observe the rules of morality, and live an
upright, virtuous life. Wicked, dishonest men will be reincarnated into
the forms of animals with fur and horns, worse still, they can be
transformed into insects and worms living miserably in the mud and
stagnant water, exposed to the caprices of inclement weather. Yang
Ts’ien, en route to hell. Yang
Ts’ien: Yes,
Master. TK:
Look, son! A prater talks too much, and he ventures to commit
errors. The best thing would be to talk as little as possible. Prattle
isn’t as good as money. YT:
I certainly agree, Master. I am ready for the departure. TK:
Here we come. We’re going to visit the 10th Palace again, and I
want you to see with your own eyes what the six categories of
to-be-reincarnated souls are like. Here comes the King of Gate. YT:
We present to you our greetings, Sir. The
King: Welcome to you, gentlemen. Last time, you visited
the Inn of the Lady Meng. This time you are going to witness the process
of transmigration. Follow me, please. YT:
You are taking your own time to guide and give us explanations
again. We are deeply grateful, Sir. The King:
The pleasure is mine. If living men don’t renounce evil for
good, it will be deplorable for them to pass by the wheel of
reincarnation and live a new existence on earth. YT:
What is that river with a red color and whirling waves? The
King: Its
name is Crimson River. Its current is derived from the semen and blood
of human beings in their sexual intercourse. Its red waves represent the
ardent fire of carnal cravings among humans. YT:
On the opposite bank, I see something resembling a big wheel
turning constantly. The
King: That’s the
Reincarnation-Wheel, alias the Wheel on the Crimson River. It rotates
incessantly between wind and water. YT:
And that bridge next to the wheel, what is it used for? The King: Ours is the place where reincarnation into new existences on earth are effected. The boundary of hell is terminated right here. This bridge is the junction-point of the roads leading to different directions. Beyond it, there are six other bridges of gold, silver, jade, stone, wood and bamboo:
Thank you, Sir. Your explanation is quite clear. I notice that
there are only a few travelers passing by the Gold and Silver Bridges.
On the other bridges, however, the passersby are so numerous; they
jostle each other to make their way as if they fear missing their
crossing. TK:
As a dictum has it, “I take the Wooden Bridge which is reserved
for me. The others take their respective paths toward the living
world”. Each one takes his proper path to reincarnation. They have
eaten the amnesiac porridge that erases their former life from their
minds. The absorption of this porridge puts them in a state of
semi-consciousness, and they jostle each other on the paths allotted to
them. Some souls wear costumes of Mandarins, others carry the tools and
implements of their work, others have their inkstands and brush-pens.
There are also simpletons and souls wearing animals’ furs and horns.
Everyone manifests an ardent yearning to go to the terrestrial world. The
King: They have
lost their good sense, just like those men going blindly, with weapons
in hand, to the war without knowing whether they will be killed or not.
The spectacle of the world is identical with the pitfall that man is
running into. The reincarnating phenomenon is just the same. YT:
While in their state of semi-consciousness, they rush blindly
toward the Bridges of Jade, Wood, and Bamboo to approach the
Reincarnation-Wheel. I even see some of them fall off the bridge and
disappear in the waves. I wonder what will become of them? The
King: Humans should listen carefully to what I am
going to explain to them: all creatures are created by the fertilization
of the vital breath energy from Yin and Yang. The Reincarnation-Wheel is
the pattern of a mixture of the Yin and Yang among humans. When a male
and a female are in a state of sexual excitement, their spirits rise in
ecstasy, their over brimming sperm and blood are similar to the waves of
the Crimson River that push and revolve the Reincarnation Wheel, like a
river-current turns the irrigation system with its force. The
semi-conscious souls are sucked in by the wheel, following their
assigned destinies. In the world, the semen and blood of the two sexes
in intercourse form a fetus in the womb of the mother: the vital essence
impregnates the embryo until it is born to life, nine months later. At
the moment the Reincarnation Wheel heaves it into existence, a wailing
is heard from within the wheel of the Crimson River, meanwhile the
infant is born, together with spilling blood and water, and its
synchronizing cries symbolize its fright when awakening in a totally
strange world. That’s the way reincarnation operates. As regards to
the four categories of creatures, namely the viviparous, the oviparous,
the aquatic creatures and insects, their birth takes place according to
the time that their embryos are nurtured in the Reincarnation Wheel. The
incessant rotation of the wheel often gives the pregnant woman a
sensation of nausea. These are the moments when the fetus feels dizzy,
like passengers feeling uneasy in a jerky carriage in movement or aboard
a plane in flight. YT:
I see clearly now, Sir. Without your explanation, I think that
humans can never be aware of these realities. Human sciences are
knowledgeable on the process of pregnancy, and humans can write detailed
books on conception, but they ignore completely the process of
reincarnation. I am very fortunate to be able to understand this matter,
and my revelations will make the most skeptical readers reconsider their
doubts. The
King: Indeed,
Yang Ts’ien. You believe it, because you see it. For the rest of
humans, they begin to know things only when it is too late for them to
explain the facts publicly. Now, this wheel has the form of the
octagonal diagram Pa-Kua, with a circle at the center representing the
Great Extreme or the Infinite (Wu-Ki). The Infinite gives
birth to the Great Extreme which in turn puts into motion the two polar
principles Yin and Yang which fertilize heaven and earth and engender
all living creatures and things. The same principle and law governs the
Reincarnation Wheel that turns and multiplies indefinitely. Inside the
wheel, there are six holes for the reincarnated souls. The first hole is
for the souls to be reincarnated into high-ranking dignitaries,
noblemen, and titled persons. The second hole is for future intellectual
men, husbandmen, industrialists, and merchants (including poor people,
orphans, widows and widowers). The third hole is for the souls to be
transformed into animals (buffalos, horses, dogs...) the fourth hole
will make fowls of the souls. The fifth hole is for fish, mollusks and
crustaceans. The sixth hole is for insects. It is thus depending upon
their merits and sins for the souls to be categorized among the six
above cited groups. TK:
That action is comparable to factories in the world. Manufactured
products differ as consistently as raw materials, which are employed to
produce them. As a matter of fact, good timber is utilized for solid
construction, whereas wood of average quality is used for fuel. The same
thing happens in the process of reincarnation. Honest men are bound to
come from a good hole of the reincarnation wheel. By the way, the
consumer goods of key necessities produced by humans should be made
better from day to day, if their producers don’t want to be
reincarnated with a negative karma. YT:
These are the six categories of to-be-reincarnated souls, as far
as I can see. Now, what about the six ways of transmigration, Sir? TK:
They are the ways to the worlds of deities, human beings,
combatant devils (asuras), hungry devils, hell and brute. Classification
of these ways is based on the categories of creatures and their degree
of evolution. The way to the world of deities or of paradise is the one
for Gods, Buddhas, Saints and Genii. After they practice spiritual
perfection and attain enlightenment, the regenerated men will rise
directly to paradise without having to consume the amnesiac porridge and
to pass to the reincarnation wheel. Humans should be aware of this fact
if they desire to avoid a new reincarnation onto the earth. Among the
highly evolved immortals, there are compassionate personalities who
endeavor to bring salvation to mankind. They voluntarily incarnate into
the living world to teach and guide humans. They are pontiffs, masters,
and initiators of religions who really are gods or Buddha wearing the
form of human beings. Whence this saying, “Highly evolved beings never
forsake mankind”. From ancient times to the present, a great number of
Gods and Buddhas have come down to earth to teach and show the path of
salvation to human beings. They renounce the kingdom of immortals, where
neither birth nor death exists, for the terrestrial world and even for
hell. They are said to be “returnees” rather than “reincarnated”
into the world. In reality, there exist 3000 worlds but only six ways of
transmigration, which lead the reincarnated souls to all of them. More
accurately, we should say there are thousands of ways of transmigration.
The spiritual essence of the souls in all worlds commune together, as
being of the same source. They are scattered to thousands of directions,
and then from these, will converge to the same source. Humans must
retain this truth. Yang Ts’ien, what you have seen this day is the
picture of the six main ways of transmigration. The
King: All in all,
the process of reincarnation operated by the 10th Palace is readily
explained in the “Voyages to Hell”. I hope that humans will read,
understand and practice for self-improvement. Reincarnation to new
existences is decided by hell, but it is up to human beings to cope with
the predestined paths. If they don’t try to improve themselves and
progress on the virtuous path, they will lose their physical bodies some
day, and thousands of existences will be required before recovering
their original state. Now, I say goodbye to Buddha Tse Kong and Mr. Yang
Ts’ien, and wish you good luck in completing your book for the sake of
mankind. YT:
We are really touched by your sayings, Sir, and thank you greatly
for your teachings. The blessed readers of the book will be enlightened
and awakened from ignorance and errors. Goodbye, Your Majesty. Master,
we must go home! TK: We have so far visited the 10 palaces of hell. The burden of our mission has been lightened by half. You have had much pain, Yang Ts’ien. On August 15th, of this autumn, your book will be published. The satisfaction of the Three Councils will be indescribable. I advise all people on earth to have this book printed and widely distributed in order to spread the truth and enhance the genuine Tao. Such is my vocation. Following the sinister visits to the Palaces of Hell, here appears the resplendent halo. I hope that human will understand the realities revealed in the book. They will eliminate their narrow minds and open their hearts mercifully to expend joy all over the world. The way to paradise will open itself for them. Here is the temple. Alight and enter your body! |